My Other projects

I have done some other random projects but there is not the numbers to dedicate a whole page to them. So I grouped them here. There are projects in java, C++, and HTML/JavaScript.

Pokemon Game Helper App

Date finished 10/2019 using Dart & Flutter
So after I built my Pokemon app in java, I wanted to try and build it in flutter. After a bit of work I was able to clone the app.
Yay me. First app I build ground up in flutter.

Card Game Core

Date finished 2/2019 using Dart
2nd project for dart. Written in dart pad. Its the core of a card game. Its a class that has all the ability needed to play any card game such as shuffle, deal a hand, and remove cards from the deck.

See it on GitHub

Hello world in Dart

Date finished 2/2019 using Dart
Trying to jump in to flutter was a bit challenging. So I started a course that starts with dart. This is the first project, a hello world type project. I wrote it in dart pad. Then saved it as a text file.

See it on GitHub

Easyfill Master App

Date finished 3/2018 using HTML & JavaScript
When filling out a lot of information box's that requests the same information. I was highlighting, then copy/paste the information from a text doc. This got tedious and the random missing of a letter at the start or end started getting annoying, so I built this Web App to handle the copy for me. when the button is clicked it will fill the a box with the right information, then copy this to the clipboard ready to paste where ever I need it. I can also pull the browser tab out to its own window allowing it to act like its own app. I choose to build this in HTML because the browser will handle all the UI for me, speeding up the development process.

See it on GitHub


Date finished 11/2017 using C++
Easy code challenge, the hardest part was trying to decide the best way to print the fizz and buzz correctly.
This is the smallest code i could think of to do the job.

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Date finished 11/2017 using C++
This was a bit more challenging, I first built it with an array and the compiler would put random things to the last array variable. Such as random ASCII character, or it would add (x,o) to that variable. I realized the array wasn't doing anything for the program, so I removed it and fixed the issue.

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Text Maze

Date finished 6/2017 using JAVA
I wanted to learn something new, so I tried my hand at JAVA. This was the first program I made.
This game has an easy to change map, and a couple types of area you can walk on such as grass and pebbles.
I also built a combat system with a random win/lose, and the monster would be removed after you defeat it.

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